Saturday, November 8, 2008

FAT Book: Retro Ads

I think as a whole this has the most AWESOME pages. You can tell everyone was totally into this topic. So I've added my comments to each page because well because I have to say something about these Gems! Shannon Horch: Coca Cola (Front)Front Inside Flap
This is the first page I opened and saw when I got my box in the mail. Hence my need after 3 days of being Diet Coke Free I ran out and got a 32 oz'er and came home to finish going through the pages. Awesome job Shannon!!!

Roni Johnson: Squeeze Margarine

I found this fascinating because I heard this same story from my Mom about how she used to get to mix the color into the margarine as a kid. Roni this is just TOTALLY Cool. What you can't see by the images is that this is an interactive page. You can actually squeeze this one and it will squish...OH SOOOOO FUN!!!

Phinny: Fashion Ads (Front)

Wow this page brings back so many elementary memories for me. Geez I can hardly believe I was a '70's kid and my Mom made clothes like these for me. the music though.

Nina Perrin: Recruiting Ad
I added the "NOT" to the ad and thought I'd give it a bit of historical influence on the tag.

Linda Bladock: Haven Foods

You can't see it from this scan but her page has this glimmer of shimmer across it and it looks like she used a sewing tracing wheel along the edges...loved that...gonna have to find out what product she used on this page to give it that glimmer of shimmer.

Kelly Warren: Release of the Go Go's Vacation Album

In true Kelly style she uses the Faux Postage to add some historical information. Can you guess what I'm referring to? First person to get the answer correct gets some BLOG Candy...and you can't be in the swap to play!!! (HINT HINT: Kelly does this in nearly all her pages)

Karen Ladd: Hertz
Karen grasped this 1963 ad feel in full. I love love love the added bling she made using the shrinky dink Hertz key chain.


Unknown Artist: Chanel
What you can't see from this scan is that the ad itself has been printed in color on vellum paper. It really adds to the vintage feel of this page. The artist used a fun technique on the back page that is also hard to see in this scan. She used a cross of the polished stone technique.


Dixie Vance: Whitman's Chocolates 1950
Wahooo now I know Dixie's last name...this page actually had her last name on it and not just a/k/a Mom. :) This ad makes me laugh because of the image of this woman's face holding that morsel of chocolate and still looking Marvelous! The model must have eaten many liquor based chocolates to pull this one off.


Crystal Gasque: Kellogg's Pep
ok is this ad from Kellogg's as in Kellogg's Cereal? Did they once upon a time have a line of Vitamins? My next question is one for Crystal...How did you get the overall purple hue to the ad?


Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Hi Nina!
I am enjoying seeing all the pages! Mine have not arrived yet so getting the sneak peak is wonderful!
BTW: I am the unknown artist for the Chanel piece... Dang! I thought I put my name and info on there! What a dolt...

Unknown said...

Is it a stamp that she uses?